How am I going to help YOU?


How is this different?

This is a small community of mamas who want to get start running and build a foundation of healthy habits (such as eating amazingly delicious food and sleeping!)


  • INDIVIDUALIZATION: A plan that fits your busy life as a mama!

  • MAMA FILLED community working toward the same goals with the same struggles!

  • ACCOUNTABILITY! Let's face it, we all need accountability when working toward our goals. We will sit down weekly with a sisterhood of mamas sharing our wins AND/OR our struggles.

If you feel like you don't have time, I've got your back because I’ve been there too. You do not have to do it alone and let's face it - if you COULD do it on your own you would have already.

If you are a mom who's ready to put your health and happiness on the top of your list - set up a consultation with me!

“Movement will give you access to joy that will dramatically improve the quality of your life, help support mental health and create more meaning and belonging.”

Kelly McGonigal, PHD

Let’s put your health & wellness first!